Beside Magazine – Edition 11

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What if, to change the world, we had to start by re-enchanting our relationship with time?

We often feel like we are subject to time, as if it were a capricious and relentless force beyond our control. Time disappears in the best moments and weighs down with all its weight in the worst.

Linear and fleeting, it seems to take us in its wake, while the present moment often remains beyond our reach — and barely created, our memories are already beginning to erode.

Now, there are other ways of experiencing time; other rhythms, other trends, other pulsations. The terms “fast” and “slow” alone cannot define the pace. There is the time of seasons and harvests, of stories and generations, of rocks and trees, of rituals and traditions. There is the time we spend building relationships, the time we gain and the time we waste superbly.

This issue of BESIDE contains portraits of Gabrielle Carter and the “ mountain cholitas ”; interviews with Byron and Dexter Peart and Myia Antone ; essays by Gabrielle Anctil and Linda Besner ; reports by Laurence Butet-Roch and Eugénie Emond ; and a poem by Jean-Christophe Réhel .

“We live on a very old, sustainable planet, and not on an immature and possibly fragile star, which has never proven itself. » — Marcia Bjornerud

          Magazine Beside- Édition 11
          Magazine Beside- Édition 11
          Magazine Beside- Édition 11